The TEFL Org is a B Corp Company

The TEFL Org is a B Corp Company

We have some fantastic news: The TEFL Org is a certified B Corp.

It’s an enormous honour and a privilege to join some serious heavyweights of international business, all while putting ethics and sustainability at the forefront of what we do. To be a B Corp-certified outfit, you have to meet a “high standard of social and environmental performance”. That’s something we’ve always strived for, all while providing brilliant courses, valuing our staff, and allowing our customers to explore the vast depths of their potential.

B Corp certification is awarded by B Lab , an organisation which “evaluates a company's performance across various categories, including governance, workers, community, environment, and customers”. With consumers more concerned than ever about the individual choices they make, and the consequences of the money they spend, B Lab have become increasingly important in helping people make informed decisions about companies and their business practices.

So, just how important is this for us? What does it mean to be a B Corp-certified company, and what are people saying about it?

What is a B Corp?

If you’ve never heard of B Corp companies before, don’t worry, because it’s still a relatively new thing. The first B Corp companies were awarded their status in 2007, but since then around 8,000 companies have passed the rigorous standards set by B Lab.

A lot of companies profess social responsibility or talk about their ethics and good business practices. For a long, long time, businesses were simply taken at their word. Now, there’s a worldwide system in place to ensure that consumers can be more sure of just how responsible a given company is.

B Lab is focused on making business a force for good and allowing for transparency through its B Corp directory . It’s hard to argue with that! The core principles of B Lab, and the principles that B Corps are obliged to uphold, are:

  • That we must be the change we seek in the world.
  • That all business ought to be conducted as if people and place mattered.
  • That, through their products, practices, and profits, businesses should aspire to do no harm and benefit all.
  • To do so requires that we act with the understanding that we are each dependent upon another and thus responsible for each other and future generations.

How do you become a B Corp?

There are over 8,000 B Corps worldwide. These are companies - The TEFL Org included - who have been rigorously studied by B Labs, and given a score. 5 categories are rated during the study: Governance, Workers, Community, Environment and Customers. Our score was based on our performance over the current and previous years. All in all, the process took just over a year to complete. 

The median score for a given company is about 50. To become a B Corp, you have to score 80. With a score of 109.4 , it’s safe to say we met the conditions!

Why become a B Corp?

Becoming a B Corp has amazing advantages. First of all, being awarded B Corp status in the first place means that you’re doing a lot right, from multiple perspectives. From governance to the way you’re treating workers and customers, this tag represents the values and ethics that you uphold as a company. No bad thing whatsoever.

From The TEFL Org’s perspective, it reflects the morals and ambitions we have as a company. Our focus is on empowering people - our customers and staff alike. We’re focused on making a positive impact at all levels, inspiring trust in our students, providing a strong example of business governance to follow and growing as a company in a meaningful and worthwhile way. 

At the most fundamental level, it’s about our students knowing they’re investing in something good when they start a course with us. We want people to be proud to be associated with The TEFL Org when they’re on a course, and when they graduate. Really, that’s what it’s all about, and becoming a B Corp is a big part of that journey.

Other B Corps

Now, we bet you’re wondering who some of the other B Corps are. Fair enough: try these names on for size and see what you think - how about The Guardian , Patagonia , The Big Issue , Alpro and Ben & Jerry’s ? Across culture and commerce, some of the biggest hitters have B Corp recognition, and now we’re in amongst that group of names.

What they said:

Chris Turner, executive director of B Lab UK:

“We are delighted to welcome The TEFL Org to the B Corp community. This is a movement of companies that are committed to changing how business operates and believe business really can be a force for good. We know that The TEFL Org is going to be a fantastic addition to the community and will continue driving the conversation forward.”

What we said:

Andy Healy, managing director of The TEFL Org:

“We’re incredibly proud here at The TEFL Org to be joining the B Corps community. We always strive to do business in a way that has a broader positive impact and committing to this process and achieving accreditation is an important milestone for us. We transform people’s lives through education and B Corp’s mission to change the global economy so that it works for all is one we’re thrilled to support.”

Looking forward

Of course, we’re delighted, and it’s a nice moment to celebrate. However, this is no time to rest on our laurels - being a B Corp company is a lasting commitment, and it’s something that has to be worked on.

We’ll keep ensuring that our morals, our impact and our values are at the absolute centre of what we do as a company. It’s not just about product - it’s about ensuring we’re part of a system that works for everyone.

We hope you’re with us for that ongoing journey.
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