If there’s one thing I have always wanted to achieve, it’s completing my TEFL qualification and teaching English abroad. I can now officially tick this goal off my bucket list as I write this from my favourite new café in Hai Phong, Vietnam, where I have been living and working as an ESL teacher since January 2018. Becoming a TEFL teacher was something I’d dreamed of doing the minute I graduated from university in July 2016, but it wasn’t until a year later that I finally gathered the courage to apply for a teaching internship position in Vietnam . The decision to quit my job with minimal savings and no clear plan was a terrifying one, and one which I questioned over and over again before making. I’m currently 4 months into my internship with just one month left to go, and I can now say with complete confidence that it’s a decision I’ll be forever thankful for.
Teaching in Vietnam has been an adventure, to say the least! Many of the cultural differences I have observed between Vietnam and the UK lie within their respective education systems; Vietnamese schools are vastly different to those I have attended in the UK, especially with regards to class size, structure, and attitudes towards learning. Nothing could have prepared me for the shock of walking into my first lesson and seeing no less than 50 faces staring back at me, or for the time my lessons were cancelled due to “harsh” weather conditions (i.e. the temperature falling to just below 10 degrees). There was the time one of my students brought his pet turtle to class in a plastic water bottle, and the day when my classes had to be taught outside –without a blackboard, books or chairs - due to a power cut. Experiences like these, however surreal they may have seemed at the time, are part of the reason I have fallen in love with Vietnam and the dynamism of teaching English as a foreign language.
Not only have I had the opportunity to develop an entirely new set of skills, but I’ve also been lucky enough to meet, teach and work with so many intelligent, creative and driven people during my time here. I currently live with 30 fellow interns from all over England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, America, Australia and South Africa, each with a similar goal in mind: to teach, to travel, and to discover new experiences. We all live together in hotel accommodation organised by our employer, and over the past couple of months have become an extremely tight-knit group of friends. Of course, moving abroad alone has been tough at times, but it has also given me the opportunity to establish friendships with an incredible group of people – many of whom I’m confident will become lifelong friends. This is just one of the many reasons I’m thankful I began my TEFL journey by opting for an internship; it provided the safety net I needed by connecting me with other likeminded individuals, all while giving me the chance – and confidence - to travel independently.
Having been hit by the travel bug, I am also planning to explore more of South East Asia, including southern Vietnam, when my internship finishes next month. I am hoping to visit Bali, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand before flying home, with the intention of finding new places, meeting new people, and figuring out where I’d next like to secure a teaching job. I have loved living in Vietnam, and I am grateful for the many lessons that working abroad – in a culture vastly different to my own - has taught me. I have taken language lessons, participated in Vietnamese traditions, and have learnt to recognise and deal with the sometimes debilitating effects of culture shock. In the space of just 4 months I have become a more adaptable and open-minded person, and have allowed myself to embrace and enjoy new challenges each and every day. It is with this in mind that I look upon future adventures, both at home and away, with excitement rather than unease.
Keep up-to-date with Tyler's adventures over on Instagram @tylerxhope
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