Looking for English teaching jobs in the Czech Republic? Here are some of the best places to start.
Private language schools
Private language schools are a useful route into the Czech Republic, especially for newer teachers. Typically, ESL teachers in private language schools are teaching English to adults. Specifically, Business English and English for Academic Purposes are private language school pupils' most popular learning areas.
Public schools
Going through the Academic Information Agency (AIA) is the most worthwhile route to teaching English in Czech public schools. The AIA is an intermediary between applicants and public schools, and they verify teaching qualifications, including your TEFL certification and your bachelor’s degree. You’ll need at least a bachelor’s degree, a 120-hour TEFL certificate and, preferably, some previous teaching experience to start teaching English in a public school in the Czech Republic.
International schools
With around 28 international schools across 5 cities, English teaching jobs in the Czech Republic are incredibly competitive. For ESL teachers with several years of prior teaching experience, a master’s degree, and at least 120 hours of TEFL certification, international schools offer the best salaries and benefits.
Interestingly, universities in the Czech Republic offer a range of English-language course options, from bachelor’s degrees to doctoral studies. (Yes, you can earn a university degree in English from a Czech university!)
This means there are some potentially lucrative (albeit limited) teaching opportunities for ESL teachers in Czech universities. To get these kinds of jobs, you’ll need considerable teaching experience, at least a master’s degree, and completion of one or more TEFL courses.
Private tutoring
Private tutoring is a great option for English teachers in the Czech Republic. In general, adult professionals working in telecoms, hospitality, tourism, and international business require private English lessons.