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TEFL jobs in Denmark Securing a TEFL job in Denmark isn’t going to be easy, we won’t lie. In recent years, immigration laws mean that it’s almost impossible for non-EU nationals to get working permits for Denmark, and while the Danes certainly do like learning English, it seems that they have enough bilingual instructors in-country […]

TEFL jobs in Denmark

Securing a TEFL job in Denmark isn't going to be easy, we won't lie.

In recent years, immigration laws mean that it’s almost impossible for non-EU nationals to get working permits for Denmark, and while the Danes certainly do like learning English, it seems that they have enough bilingual instructors in-country to fill whatever posts they have. Another big barrier to teaching English in Denmark is the necessity for teachers to speak Danish. In most cases, another language isn't required to TEFL, but this isn't the case in Denmark. Unless you're willing to put the work into learning Danish then you might want to look elsewhere for teaching jobs.

It might sound all doom and gloom, and while it's true that it's not an easy country to find work in, for those that do meet the requirements Denmark offers a great standard of living!

Download our teaching English in Europe guide

Where to find work in Denmark

If you satisfy all the requirements of working in Denmark, it still won’t be easy to get a job. Do your research and try to make connections before moving there, bearing in mind that it’s much easier to get hired once you’re actually in country and have a CPR Card. Word of mouth is one of the best ways in, or going with one of the few, larger organisations that can offer more opportunities. Online teaching could tide you over while you look for local work, but be realistic about whether Denmark is really the best place for your skills.

Employers in Denmark

Cambridge Institute is the largest EFL company operating in Denmark. You might be able to find out current job information on their Linked in  page.

Search on AOF (Arbejdernes Oplysnings Forbund)  to find evening classes teaching languages around Denmark, and use their contact page to inquire about teaching a course.

Local Job Centres  are a good way to search if you’re already living in an area of Denmark. Also, check out local international schools in your area and contact them directly.

It’s not paid, but the weekly Language Exchange Meetup organised by Mundo Lingo  could be a great place to meet potential students or to network with other English teachers like yourself – or just a place to make friends and chat in your own language.

Work in Denmark  is a database of jobs around the country – search ‘English Teacher’ to see any current positions.

Read our Denmark Country Guide for info about salaries, living costs & requirements

Denmark Country Guide

Unfortunately we don't currently have any jobs available in denmark. We update our job centre daily so check back soon!