
English Teaching Jobs in Saudi

English Teaching Jobs in Saudi Arabia overlay
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With excellent salaries on offer, English teachers are wondering where all the TEFL jobs are in Saudi Arabia.

If you’re seeking constant sunny weather and some of the best teaching salaries in the world, teaching English in Saudi Arabia is an option that should hold immense appeal.

Nestled in the fascinating, ever-impressive Middle East, Saudi Arabia offers a range of incredible opportunities for qualified English teachers working abroad. The range of teaching jobs available in Saudi Arabia provides ESL teachers with amazing opportunities to live and work in the Arabic world, from prestigious international schools and private schools to state schools, universities and private tutoring jobs.

A country synonymous with megaprojects and wealth, cities like Riyadh, Jeddah and Makkah in particular offer fantastic routes into English teaching, with an excellent state education infrastructure, a wealth of international facilities and plenty of potential tutees looking for career advancement.

​​There’s also no shortage of things to do in a country steeped in history and culture. Whether it be a trip to the cosmopolitan city of Jeddah on the Red Sea or hiking and camping in the desert, there’s something for everyone. Football fans will also find a home here since it’s Saudi Arabia’s most popular sport. So how do you find teaching jobs in Saudi Arabia? Can first time English teachers work there? What kind of average salary is on offer for TEFL teachers? Let’s find out.

English teaching jobs in Saudi Arabia: an overview 

The state of English education in Saudi Arabia is interesting, to say the least. While English has been a compulsory subject at school since 2004, the national level of proficiency is poor. Saudi Arabia is ranked an appalling 108th of 113 nations by EF’s English Proficiency Index

This is despite Saudi Arabia’s status as a modern economic powerhouse, and the excellent standards of education in the country. Both female and male literacy is around 99% in Saudi Arabia, English is the lingua franca of business (and is also used commonly in advertising and media), and there are a plethora of international schools, universities and language schools that teach in English, or provide TEFL lessons.

So, why are English levels so poor? It’s hard to say, but it’s a good situation for TEFL teachers who want to teach English abroad in Saudi Arabia. English teacher jobs typically pay very well, and although the teaching requirements are considerable, the compensation on offer is typically excellent.

A note of caution, however: Saudi Arabia isn’t a suitable location for all ESL instructors. Migrant workers’ rights are a point of enormous concern to international human rights advocates, and this includes teachers moving to Saudi Arabia to teach. Additionally, in Saudi Arabia - despite telling visitors that it’s safe for LGBTQ+ people - being a member of the LGBTQ+ community is illegal. It can also be difficult for women to find work in Saudi Arabia, especially unmarried women.

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Quick facts about Saudi Arabia 

  • Capital: Riyadh
  • Official Language: Arabic
  • Population: 36.4 million
  • Currency: Riyal (SAR)

Key facts 


To teach English abroad in Saudi Arabia, you must have TEFL certification (of at least 120 hours) and a bachelor's degree, with many employers preferring a master's degree. Preference is typically given to those from a native English speaking country like the USA, UK, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Suppose you’re a non-native English speaker. In that case, you can prove fluency through an IELTS or TOEFL certificate, or a degree from an English-speaking university, and still teach English in Saudi Arabia.

You'll need a clean criminal record, pass medical checks and be under the age of 55 at the time of applying for a TEFL job to teach English in Saudi Arabia. These requirements must be met to receive a work visa. Once you’ve received a work visa, and your employer has provided the Saudi government with everything you need for a work permit, you can apply for a residence permit. 

Advanced TEFL certification in Business English, teaching young learners or English for Academic Purposes can really help you land an ESL job when you teach English in Saudi Arabia. The more TEFL certificates you have, the easier you'll find it in the job market, which can be quite competitive.

Salary and benefits 

A large part of the appeal of teaching English in Saudi Arabia is just how lucrative teaching jobs can be. English teacher vacancies in Saudi Arabia are usually plentiful, which is great news for ESL teachers who want to build up savings while teaching.

So, what is the average salary for English teachers in Saudi Arabia? Qualified educators teaching English in Saudi Arabia full-time can expect a starting salary of about SAR 8,430 - 18,044 (£1,711 - £3,662/$2,133 - $4,532). 

Private international schools and similar elite institutions offer significantly better salaries to long-tenured, teachers with plenty of previous experience teaching English. In terms of benefits, it gets even better for English teachers - it’s not uncommon to hear of flight reimbursement, performance bonuses, free medical care, annual bonuses, free enrollment at schools for dependents, accommodation and other perks while teaching English in Saudi Arabia. 

Teaching English in Saudi Arabia, then, is usually a great financial decision. In addition, there’s no income tax in Saudi Arabia, as is often the case while teaching English in the Middle East, so English teachers can save even more. If you’re looking to save while teaching English abroad, and you have the requisite qualifications and previous experience, Saudi Arabia is a potentially ideal destination.

Living and working in Saudi Arabia

With its extremely high English teacher salaries, there has to be an economic catch, right? Surely the cost of living is extremely high in Saudi Arabia? Not necessarily.

Why don’t we take a look at the Saudi capital, Riyadh? According to Numbeo, Riyadh has a low cost of living, while it also has low levels of crime and a high health care score. This is consistent with Saudi Arabia, which scores well overall for quality of life.

As for Riyadh? If your job doesn’t come with accommodation, expect to pay about £858/$1,128 for a one-bedroom apartment in the city centre, or £600/$789 if you choose to live a little further out. Monthly utilities cost about £77/$102, while internet access costs £57/$74 - something to bear in mind if you want to teach English online.

As for dining out? A meal for two in a mid-priced restaurant is about £40/$53.

Read our Saudi Arabia Country Guide for info about salaries, living costs & requirements

Saudi Arabia Country Guide

Types of English teaching jobs in Saudi Arabia

International schools

In terms of salaries and incentives, the best opportunities can be found in Saudi Arabia’s international schools. Typically, these schools have some of the best facilities, the smallest class sizes, the best bonuses and the most lucrative salaries, but they’re not like most TEFL jobs. To get a job teaching English at an international school in Saudi Arabia, you’ll need to have a teaching license, at least a master’s degree, impressive experience on your CV (including experience in Saudi Arabia or in international schools specifically), and of course, a TEFL certificate or two.

Jobs boards 

Check out The TEFL Org Jobs Centre to find jobs teaching English in Saudi Arabia, as well as opportunities to teach English all over the world!

Global Recruitment Solutions is based in Wales and finds candidates for opportunities to teach English in Saudi Arabia (as well as covering the IT, Oil & Gas, and Hospitality sectors). ESL teachers are welcome to apply.

Naukri Gulf is an excellent resource if you're looking to find English teaching jobs in Saudi Arabia.

Gold Star TEFL Recruitment is a well-known recruitment agency that can find TEFL jobs in multiple locations. While they predominantly hire for the Chinese market, Gold Star agents can also source jobs in Saudi Arabia.

Interlink Language Centers hire predominantly native speakers of English with a passport from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the USA, the UK, Ireland, or South Africa. You need a TEFL certification and an MA in a related field, or an MA in TEFL. You must also have at least 2 years of experience teaching English to adult students and 1 year of experience living abroad.

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Teach English in Saudi Arabia

As a conservative country with numerous customs that TEFL teachers may find restrictive, Saudi Arabia doesn’t suit everyone, but offers great rewards to the right sort of teacher.

Unfortunately we don't currently have any jobs available in Saudi Arabia. We update our job centre daily so check back soon!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q. Are English teachers in demand in Saudi Arabia?

    Yes, there’s considerable demand for English teachers in Saudi Arabia, especially in language schools, international academies and for private tutoring.

  • Q. How to apply for an English teacher in Saudi Arabia?

    You can apply to be an English teacher in Saudi Arabia through online job boards, including The TEFL Org Jobs Centre.

  • Q. How much do you get paid to teach English in Saudi Arabia?

    If you’re teaching English in Saudi Arabia full-time, you can expect a starting salary of about SAR 8,430 - 18,044 (£1,711 - £3,662/$2,133 - $4,532). 

  • Q. Which country has the highest demand for English teachers?

    Given its size and population, China has the highest demand for English teachers worldwide. The Middle East, Mexico, Spain, South Korea and Japan also have sizable demand for TEFL teachers, however, and there are always jobs online!