Teaching English Online as a Digital Nomad: David’s Story

Teaching English Online as a Digital Nomad: David’s Story

If Doc and Marty McFly had jumped in the Delorean in 2020 and set 2016 as their destination, with the aim of informing me that I would end up leaving my job in the UK, travelling full-time for the next 4 years all while building a sustainable income through YouTube and other income streams, including […]

TEFL in Japan: Ursula’s Story

TEFL in Japan: Ursula’s Story

Staring at pictures of exotic destinations while looking at the rainy Scottish sky, I wondered what the future held. I’d already left university and all the years of my life seemed to stretch ahead of me endlessly. My life goals had never been around getting married or having kids, and with people seeming to settle […]

Our TEFL tutors give advice to aspiring English teachers

Our TEFL tutors give advice to aspiring English teachers

Our TEFL tutors know a thing or two about teaching English. With an average of 18 years’ teaching experience and 10 years training teachers ‘a thing or two’ is perhaps a bit of an understatement. While you work through your TEFL course you might find yourself overwhelmed by the complexities and vastness of the English […]

The TEFL Org Tutor Infographic

The TEFL Org Tutor Infographic

Our TEFL tutors are a diverse bunch. They’ve worked in many different countries, learnt a variety of languages, and taught a wide range of learners. But the one thing that unites them is their love of teaching and their many years of experience! Whether you sign up for an online or classroom course you can […]

5 Reasons to TEFL in 2020

5 Reasons to TEFL in 2020

A new decade is on its way and (if you ask us) it’s the perfect time to TEFL. Everyone has their own reasons for getting into TEFL – some are looking for a career change or the opportunity to travel, others simply love teaching and the English language. We could go on and on about […]

Best Countries to Teach English

Best Countries to Teach English

Where should you TEFL in 2020? The number of English language learners worldwide continues to rapidly increase, with the British Council estimating that by 2020 that number will hit 2 billion. As more people start learning English, more opportunities arise for qualified EFL teachers, whether they’re looking for work teaching English abroad or online. There’s never […]

Our Top Blog Posts of 2019

Our Top Blog Posts of 2019

As the start of a new decade draws ever closer, we’re taking a moment to reflect. It’s been a busy year for us and by the end of the year we will have trained over 12,000 EFL teachers! This past year on the TEFL Org Blog we’ve covered a wide range of topics, from advice […]

Teaching English Online vs. Teaching English Abroad

Teaching English Online vs. Teaching English Abroad

Teaching English online or teaching English abroad? If you’re a TEFL certified teacher then you have the option of both, but which one is for you? Teaching online and teaching abroad offer very different experiences and opportunities and many EFL teachers will do both throughout their career (sometimes alongside each other!). If you’re just getting […]

Teaching English in Cambodia: Kat’s TEFL Story

Teaching English in Cambodia: Kat’s TEFL Story

On the whim of a New Year’s eve quarter-life crisis, I found myself signing up to TEFL Org’s 120-hour online course without much forward thought (in all honesty, the sale really grabbed me). Having relentlessly pursued a (failing) career in the media industry since leaving university, I was craving a change to push my confidence, […]

Teaching English Online: Louise’s TEFL Story

Teaching English Online: Louise’s TEFL Story

My first experience teaching English as a foreign language was when I was 18, back in 1983. I was on a gap year before university, and I got the opportunity to spend six months in Israel. I spent two months on a kibbutz in the north, near Tiberius close to The Sea of Gallilee, and […]