Tongue Twisters [Teaching Tip]

Tongue Twisters [Teaching Tip]

Students from different native languages have certain difficulties with pronunciation. For example Spanish speakers have difficulty with the different between /v/ & /b/ and many students from some Asiatic countries find /r/ difficult to say. To help practice these sounds, here are some tongue twisters you could teach them. Peter Piper picked a peck of […]

Teaching English in Scandinavia

Teaching English in Scandinavia

Scandinavia is an often overlooked destination on the TEFL itinerary, yet there are plenty of rewards the ambitious TEFL teacher can reap in this region. Scandinavia tops nearly every index for gender equality, standard of living, health benefits and economic and political stability. Dramatic landscapes make these Northern European countries some of the most beautiful […]

How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter

How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter

  A well-written cover letter can make all the difference when it comes to applying for TEFL positions. Ensure you stand out from the crowd by following our guide on how to write an effective TEFL cover letter.   Research the company Before beginning to write your TEFL cover letter it is vital you research […]

Finding Work Abroad as a Graduate

Finding Work Abroad as a Graduate

Finding a job abroad is an experience that lots of people look for, or wish they had done! There are plenty of reasons why you may want to move overseas and when you graduate is the perfect time to do just that! It is an ultimate career goal for many, with the chance to experience […]

Qualified Teachers and TEFL

Qualified Teachers and TEFL

Qualified teachers are moving abroad in droves to TEFL (teach English as a foreign language). Benefits of TEFL for qualified teachers While teaching here in the UK can be a stressful and bureaucratic business, there are many attractions to chucking it all in and moving abroad. There is the chance of better weather; rent-free accommodation; […]

Sarah’s ‘award winning’ TEFL Experience in China

It’s hard to believe that in just two months from now, I will be celebrating my second year work anniversary at BFSU. (Beijing Foreign Studies University). It’s hard to write an article like this, without sounding like a massive cliché, so I’ll get those out the way now. Moving to China to teach English has […]

My Summer Teaching English in Rome

My Summer Teaching English in Rome

Written by Kathleen Scott This summer I worked as an English camp tutor for Lingue Senza Frontiere (LSF), an Italian company based in the northern coastal town of San Remo.  LSF organise summer camps for Italian children aged 7-14, lasting two to four weeks which take place all over Italy.  Camp tutors do not require […]

TEFL Course Teaching English Online

TEFL Course Teaching English Online

9 August 2013 I did the TEFL course (150 hours) last May and I didn’t actually complete all the online courses until late last year. I decided to teach online because I couldn’t really afford to go away. Also, I had just relocated to Dundee with my boyfriend Alan and I thought it would be […]

Dan teaching English in South Korea

Dan teaching English in South Korea

I graduated from university in the summer of 2013 with just one ambition in mind, to travel. One problem stood in the way and you will not need too many guesses to figure it out. The problem was a serious lack of funds and a catastrophic amount of student debt. My story is probably not […]

What should I do when I graduate? Teach English abroad!

What should I do when I graduate? Teach English abroad!

It is that time of year again; the latest wave of university students are now university graduates, but what’s next? Perhaps you have just graduated, you don’t have a job lined up, you can’t stay in your university town much longer, you don’t really want to move home but you have a large student debt […]