From Spain to Mexico: Harriet’s TEFL story

From Spain to Mexico: Harriet’s TEFL story

My TEFL journey began in the depths of a wet and miserable British Winter where, as a lost second year university student, I was struggling to find the motivation for… well, motivation for pretty much anything. Without going into too much unnecessary detail, I was struggling with concentrating on university work, dividing my time between […]

Letters from Zibo: Tristan in China

Letters from Zibo: Tristan in China

As a meticulous planner, you can imagine when it came to applying to TEFL work I spent many an hour researching schools, and cities. In hindsight, during my research I came to the realisation that nearly all TEFL job positions are advertised in almost identical ways; whether that is through school websites, or social media […]

Interview with Thomas, TEFL Org Online Courses Manager

Interview with Thomas, TEFL Org Online Courses Manager

Last week on Facebook Live we interviewed Thomas, our Online Courses Manager! Thomas holds an MA in Education, an Advanced Diploma in Applied Linguistics, and a Trinity Diploma for teaching English as a Second Language as well as a TEFL certificate. He has been teaching English for 26 years mainly in Europe – in particular, […]

Teaching and Travelling in Thailand: James’ Story

Teaching and Travelling in Thailand: James’ Story

Travelling and experiencing new cultures has always been a passion of mine. TEFL has provided me with the opportunity to travel, live and work in a different culture. My journey with TEFL started in November 2016; I was sat bored in my office job dreaming about having the money to live and travel in a […]

Interview with an EFL Teacher: Megan, The Candid Nomad

Interview with an EFL Teacher: Megan, The Candid Nomad

You may have heard that we recently held our very first Facebook Live session with Megan, The Candid Nomad! Megan completed her TEFL qualification with us back in 2013, and has been busy teaching around the world in Chile, Austria, Spain, Slovenia, and here in the UK ever since. She talked to us about her […]

Falling in love with China: Holly’s TEFL story

Falling in love with China: Holly’s TEFL story

I started my 120 hour online TEFL course back at the start of 2014, after a trip to South Korea.  Since then my TEFL adventures have taken me to teach in China, Italy, Vietnam and Myanmar. All beautiful countries with wonderful creative students. However, it was China that first really captured my heart. I landed […]

A Look at Business English

English is, arguably, the closest thing to a global language the world has ever seen. In many countries, English is the language chosen for business, diplomacy, and as a general common ground for speakers of different tongues. That’s why many entrepreneurial men and women around the world are scrambling to improve their Business English skills […]

6 Books for TEFL teachers this summer

6 Books for TEFL teachers this summer

Passport? Check. Wallet? Check. An engaging, wonderfully written, piece of prose that will transport me to another world, that will take me on a journey of emotions and ideas and, ultimately, leave me feeling both satisfied and exhilarated? Umm… Oh dear… It’s a good job we’re here to help you pack one of the essentials […]

Teaching in Seville and Exploring Andalucia: James’ Story

Teaching in Seville and Exploring Andalucia: James’ Story

If you’ve ever been sat in a sauna for too long you’ll have a good idea of the Andalusian heat, the intense climate is however ably matched by the vibrancy, familiarity, beauty and joviality of its people and its environment. I was incredibly fortunate to be based in the wonderful city of Seville, ‘some cities […]

What You Should Know About Teaching in China

Teaching in China is unlike anything you’ll find in a Western school. Sure, the classrooms and the buildings may look similar, but you would be wrong to think teaching at a school in China is at all the same as at home. Why is this, you ask? What exactly makes teaching in China so different? […]